Just out of curiosity, is there anyone out there with a Dakota "Heavy"
(318, ext-Cab, 4x4, Auto, Fully Optioned, 3.55 Sure-Grip) that have
problems hooking up (in 2wd)? Certainly not me, I get a few chirps,
(especially due to the SG if I'm turning abit), but traction is not a
problem when tipping the scales at 4000+ with tall gears. The
fiberglass shell helps too.
On the other hand the kickdown to 2nd on a wet road with Sure-Grip can be
exciting :>)
James D. Landess
Sunnyvale, California
On Thu, 29 Feb 1996, L. Jacobs wrote:
> In message <199602290539.AA100942377@cougar.sr.hp.com> Frank Ball writes:
> >[snip]
> > & Brian Chinn
> You _really_ need to watch the rear-end gearing. If he's running 3.9+ and
> you're running the 3.53's, your advantage in horspower won't help, unless
> you hook up better than the chevy. Make sure you lower your tire pressure
> in the rear tires. Also, only have about 1/3 or 1/4 tank of gas, and make
> sure it's premium. etc.... etc... etc...
> Um... the new chevy's (sequential port injection) will
> beat you unless something unforseen happens.
> Hope you're not betting pink slips !! ;)
> - Lee -
> LJacobs@Calvin.UCHSC.Edu
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