RE: Confused Pickup

Date: Fri Mar 15 1996 - 11:28:03 EST

The shifting of the tranny is controlled by the Computer. I would say you have a
loose electrical connection at the tranny. I would start at the tranny and check
connections and work my way forward to the logic module.

You may also want to check trouble codes right after it happens by turning the
key on-off-on-off-on without starting the engine and count flashes of the check
engine light (all codes are two digits with the time between codes being longer
than than the time between digits). If the logic module does not register any
problems you should only see 55.

I do not know what may have been added in the way of codes for 96 but post it
here or to MML and some one should be able to translate.

From: on Fri, Mar 15, 1996 10:58 AM
Subject: Confused Pickup

I was having a problem with my 96 Dakota and I was curious if anyone else has
experienced this same problem. Three weeks after I bought my pickup I was hit
in the back at a red light. The bumper was dented but there was no other
apparent damage. On the home I made a stop and when I started driving down the
road again I noticed I was running 3,000 RPM's doing 55. I stopped and played
with the gear shift (it is an automatic) but it did not do anything. Also I
pressed the OD off light and it did not come on. It seemed stuck in 2nd or 3rd
gear. I turned the pickup off and on again and it was back to normal.

This was 3 1/2 months ago and it has done this maybe twice since until the other
day when this happened twice in one day. I am wondering if this is a computer
problem. I got it checked out at the dodge house but they could find nothing
wrong. I did not get a full analysis run because the person who hit me was
uninsured but now I will probably go back and get a full analysis.


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