I pull a 1,000 lb boat/trailer package on the bumper hitch. The
boat is a 14' fiberglass w/ a 60 hp motor. The trailer has 14"
Goodyear radials. I have taken it over 85 mph w/ no problems (the
Bearing Buddies didn't get too warm, either).
>>> Moise N. Solomon <msolomon@mail07.mitre.org> 08/06/96
08:54am >>>
Well, I haven't run out of steam in my '96 V8, extended cab, 5sp,
4x4, 3.55
rear (17,000 miles), but I have been upto 105 mph and had plenty
left. No
vibration, very smooth and controllable. Plenty of fear of the
On a slightly, different note. How fast have people towed trailers?
I have
towed my J/24 sailboat (around 4,500 lbs loaded) from New
England to South
Carolina. In the Carolinas, we could sustain around 80 MPH in
5th, could
probably done alittle higher in 4th gear. The boat and trailer sit
about 10
to 11 feet off the gound which is a huge wind drag.
Moise Solomon
>Mail*Link(r) SMTP FWD>RE>Out of steam at 115 mph
>Received: by iegate.mitre.org with SMTP;6 Aug 1996 07:03:58
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>Date: Tue, 6 Aug 1996 06:26:42 -0400 (EDT)
>From: "Glenn S. Wiltse" <iggy@merit.edu>
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>Subject: Re: Out of steam at 115 mph
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> Well I've got a 96 with about 4,000 miles on it. It's a 4x4
318-V8 with
>4sp Auto., club cab too... I was doing 109MPH the other day
and the
>tach hadn't even hit 3 yet, and it sure didn't feel like it was out of
>steam to me. I did have a reasonably bad viberation when I hit
about 100
>and a big fear of a police person seeing me going over 100, so I
>stay there too long.
> My questions are... Anyone actually hit the top end on one
and care
>to tell us how it was doing, and what the speed was? Do I dare
go to
>my dealer and tell him I have a bad shake above 100MPH?
> Another semi-related question... Does anyone know anything
>being able to get into the Chrysler proving grounds once a year if
>your a Chrysler auto owner? I once heard something about this
>since I'm rather close I'd really like to go in there and maybe
>talk to someone about a shake at 100 MPH. My buddy who has
a Jeep told
>me he knew someone that was going to give him a ticket to
such a event
>but I didn't think a ticket was needed, only a Chrysler product to
>On Tue, 6 Aug 1996, erh wrote:
>> I'm so glad for you to see me,
>> I've been on vaca for a week so that's why some of my replies
to the
>> threads seem tardy. My PC was torn down for moving and I
>> connected it yet. Borrowed this laptop from work just to read
my 154
>> e-mails. Oh, and not to brag, but my Thinkpad 760 should
arrive this
>> week.
>> Anyway, about transmission speeds and shifts:
>> My 92 318 Mag auto-tranny seems to be shifting properly after
77k miles
>> and only one service. I can easily find the correct throttle
position to
>> unlock the converter or downshift to 3rd or 2nd (depending on
>> speed, of course). My wish is it's command, if I throttle it
right. Never
>> had the problem of jumping gears while in cruise.
>> Newest thrash: 96 Acura Integra
>> We were humming along I-35 at about 75 mph when an
Accord jerked
>> onto the highway in front of the Integra. So, the Integra jerked
into the
>> middle lane in front of me (too close). So, with the left lane
empty, I
>> jerked over and floored it. The Integra went to fourth and tried
to keep
>> up, but he couldn't. He kept getting smaller and smaller in my
>> He finally exited in shame and I saw 115 in the speedo. I
really think he
>> could have eventually outlegged me. But, as the saying goes,
>> place is the first loser (do Olympic silver medalists know
>> At 115, my Dak seemed to be running out of steam. I didn't
check the
>> tach but I'm sure it was a few hundred away from red (not
>> engine noise), and I don't remember if it was in 3rd or OD at
the time. I
>> did have the windows up and the A/C on and was seriously
trying to
>> make a new hole in the floorboard with the pedal. I kinda think
it had
>> something to do with having all the aerodynamics of a brick
>> Comments? Any other Dakota top speeds to talk about?
How about
>> from you slammers? Lower should be better for topping out
>> klm
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