Re: Spitfires

From: Glenn S. Wiltse (
Date: Fri Dec 06 1996 - 08:23:21 EST

    I had placed split fires in my old truck, a Chevy S10 with a 4.3L
V6. I swear that I had a noticable improvement in gas millagee. I figured
it out that witht the savings I made at the pump, I could easly pay for
the plugs in about 20,000 miles... It turened out that they only
lasted about that long, so it was sort of a wash... Since it was kind
of difficult changing the plugs on that truck I decided a second set
of Splitfires was not worth the cost.

    My Dakota(96 purchased in July) ran a little shakey for the first
60 seconds and I though maybe spark plugs could help that. I briefly
thought about split fires, but remembered the short life span and
I couldn't find anyone that sold the platinum splitfires. Even though
it's easy to change the spark plugs in my V8 Dakota, I decided I'd
like to see just how long platinum plugs would last. Bosh has a money
back garuntee, so I figured I'd try them and send them back if
I was not happy... I added the Bosh Platinums even though I saw
one person here say there truck didn't run well with them. My truck
runns fine, no differnt then it did with the stock plugs(less then
5000 miles on them when I removed them). The platinums were not too
expensive so I left them in, I figure I'll see how long they last...

    Even based on the reasonbly good performance I got with my Chevy
and Split fires, I am not covinced they are worth the money. Especialy
when you have a V8. They do have a 90 day satisfaction garuntee however
and you may want to try them for yourself. Just be ware that I noticed
a pretty short plug life with the non-platinum Splitfires... I have
never tried the new platinum splitfires, nor do I know the cost.

On Fri, 29 Nov 1996, Jane or Larry Elliott wrote:

> Talked to a guy at Mopar Performance who said that he'd tried Splitfires
> on 2 Dakotas and that neither of them would run right with them. The
> local Dodge dealer told me that the stock Champions are best too, that's
> what they sell of course, but I've had excellent luck with Autolite
> Platinums, so-so with Gold Champion (truck plugs) and poor with Bosch
> Platinums (poor running).
> Larry Elliott
> On Wed, 27 Nov 1996 wrote:
> > I had heard they were awaste. I had seen somewhere in info with accessories
> > I've instaled where they recommended stock champions for best performance and
> > least problems, thats what I use.
> >
> > Bill
> >

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