Well, heres my story:
Plowing after a storm, pushing a load of heavy wet snow in 4wlow, pushed
for 50 feet or so, apparantly too much to push, got stuck. In trying to
get un-stuck, I realized that only my rear tires are spinning(still in 4wd)
2wd works fine, xfer case shifts through 2wd, 4hi, 4low fine, BUT when
going from 2wd to 4hi on the go, like you usually can, instead of a slip
into 4wd, it grinds, then shifts into 4hi.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
(o o)
~ Bryan Harper ~
~ bharper@xtdl.com ~
~ http://www.xtdl.com/~bharper ~
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I xeroxed a mirror. Now I have an extra xerox machine.
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