Re: '97 with transmission? probs?

From: Chris Smith (
Date: Tue Jan 14 1997 - 12:08:05 EST

> >dealer and I checked it but it stays to long in first gear and the
> >engine races when it is started cold. The engine never registers the
> >racing on the tach though, very strange. These two things always occur
> >together, btw. Dealer couldn't reproduce it. Wondered if it has occured
> >with anyone else?

> Mine does the same, but only if I start up cold (ie. sits for 8 hours at
> work) and drive away immediately. I glad to see that others have confirmed
> this as a feature, rather than a bug. I don't think the engine is revving
> higher than the tach says, the engine is just xtra noisy and goes away
> within a block or so.

At least this symptom is 'normal' and is common to most year models.
The engine fan is on a clutch, and 99% of the time is spinning much
slower than the engine. When the clutch is fully engaged, and the fan
spins at the same speed as the engine, it sounds like a hovercraft. The
fan has a higher pitch than a flex fan, but little or no flex. Any of
you who have used a flex fan with no clutch will recognize the noise.

This noise can happen either 1. when the engine is cold (not sure why
the clutch is fully engaged then, but sometimes it is) and it will go
away within a few minutes. or 2. when the engine is really hot and
needs extra cooling. Most likely this will occur on a hot day at low
speeds (like when you get into your neighborhood after driving around
for a while)

Nothing to be concerned about unless it happens all the time and doesn't
go away.

-Chris Smith
(not related to Mopar or Dodge, just love their products)

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