Hey fellas;
I might be sticking my nose in where it does not belong, but what-the-hey.
Are they backfiring up-thru the intake or out the exhaust?
If it is in the intake either their is a valve open when it should not be
or the spark plug is firing when it should not be.
If it is in the exhaust, start with the air pump (if these motors have one)
L. John Morris<ljohn@alltel.net>
!!!!! ... your local *HEMI* owner ...!!!!!
'97 SLT+ CC 4x4
5.2L, 5spd, 3.92SG
> From: Stewart, Jeff <StewartJ@nasd.com>
> To: 'dakota@ait.fredonia.edu'
> Subject: RE: Mileage and Computer
> Date: Wednesday, April 09, 1997 8:24 AM
> Would like to hear the outcome of this. I have the same problem. Same
> year and engin.
> >----------
> >From: RGeiger@adp.uchc.edu[SMTP:RGeiger@adp.uchc.edu]
> >Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 1997 8:04 AM
> >To: dakota@ait.fredonia.edu
> >Subject: FW: Mileage and Computer
> >
> >Michael Kneebone
> >
> >I have A 1994 Dakota v 6. Sometimes it backfires when I let off of the
> >Does the computer need to be looked at, reset, or is this just normal of
> >this motor?
> >
> > Roger Geiger
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