More on Unusual Front Tire Wear on 1997 4x4

From: Rob Agnew (
Date: Wed Apr 16 1997 - 13:01:15 EDT


Further to my note re: factory wheel alignment on my 1997 4x4 ... just got
it back from the alignment shop and it was bang on to factory specs (I know
the front end man and talked with him). The dealer tells me that this must
be normal tire wear and that I should rotate the tires every service.

Apparently the front drive is different for 97 and rapid front tire wear is
going to be a fact of life for the style of tire that is on the truck.
Most of the 3,000 miles that I put on it so far, are city driving back and
forth to work. I drive rather sedately.

Anybody else with a 97 notice unusual front tire wear?

Rob Agnew

British Columbia


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