Re: I'm in sound system heaven!!!

From: Sam Parthemer (
Date: Tue May 27 1997 - 11:57:23 EDT

> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: I'm in sound system heaven!!!
> Date: Monday, May 26, 1997 10:51 AM
> i used to have a sony disc player......and after 3 years it died for the
> when it came time for anew one i went to circuit city looking
ofr a
> new sony......they asked if me if my sony would spit out excessively
> scratched diskd....i said he took out this scratched to
> boston disc and placed a piece of scotch tape over it and shoved it in
> the sony......and of coars the sont spit it out......then he placed it in
> kenwodd....the ken wood played it..i was amazed..needless to say i have
> the kenwood for a year or so now and there isn't a disk that it won't
> play...i can go over speed bumps at 40 and it will not skip....i have yet
> have had a problem with it and the sound quality was much better than the
> sony.....i don't think i will ever buy another sony disc player and both
> my amps are kenwoods...(2 10's 2 amps and a crosss over all in an
> cab)
> my 2 cents...
> Russ

        Sony is over rated... I had a Blaupunk ?sp? CDP01 indash CD player,
and B.P. Dallas tuner in my previous Dakota... The BP player was one of
the last Philips- made CD players from BP (then they went with a Sony
when BP went Japanese)... The CDP01 would play ANY CD...without
I had a disc that was sanded with sand paper (it was a Moody Blues CD I
It wouldn't skip, and sounded as clear as any new CD). I put the same CD
my friend's Kenwood 10 CD changer... It wouldn't recognize the disc. The
CD in my Pioneer DEH-880 (5 years old now) would play it, but skip on
tracks. My wife has an Alpine 6 disc changer... It plays it flawlessly...

        So I guess an 8 year old CD player vs. a brand new one (Alpine) and
you get the same technology....

        If you want to get a CD player, get a messed up CD and see which
units will play it before you buy... A small scratch can make a CD useless
some players...

        Sam '95 SLT


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