Re: HP talk

From: Sean Meldrum (
Date: Tue Jun 24 1997 - 23:19:45 EDT

At 12:23 AM 6/24/97 -0400, you wrote:
>Good-god-almighty, ya know I thought this new Dak was fairly powerful,
>geeeezzze, when you can blip the throttle in 4th gear and smoke the tires,
>now that's snot under the hood.
>MO-Power, MO-Power, does anyone want to help me put the Hemi in the Dak?
>Good Lord could we have some fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Later folks, sorry, but ya'll needed a break.

I'd be happy to lend a hand! One HEMI Da'Cuda coming up!

I *really* think that HEMI needs to be Butt-Dynoed! You can't be sure of
that horsepower until it's been properly tested! 8^)

*******************************97 Dakota Sport*******************************
  sean meldrum

email: Home: (list subscription)

 Black, 318, 5spd, 3.55SG, reg. cab, 2wd, buckets
"Fresh air by Meldrum"
All exterior vinyl graphics removed
Moroso Blue Max plug wires and Spectre looms
DynoMax Race Magnum Welded. 3" in/out, exiting before axle.
MSD 6a, Blaster coil awaiting installation


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