Coming to Alberta

From: Phil Hyde (
Date: Sun Jul 27 1997 - 22:40:34 EDT

Hi Bruce,

I got your address off of the DML. I am coming up to Calgary
on Tuesday morning for business, and will be staying through
Saturday. If you don't mind, I need some "tourist" advice.

I'm going to be renting a car on Saturday - can you recommend
a good place? I don't know what kind of cars are available for
rent, but I would assume the assortment is pretty similar to
that down here in the states. I would like to rent a Volkswagon,
so maybe that helps.

I plan to drive up to Lake Louise and Banff on Saturday. I've been
told be previous visitors that these locations are a must see.

I would also like to visit several "antique" stores that day as well,
and I
was hoping that perhaps you could point me in the right direction.

Thanks for any help you can muster. Perhaps we could have lunch
some day, if I'm not otherwise occupied.


Phil Hyde - Houston, TX.
work - (M-F 8-5)
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www  - (new and improved!)

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