> From: WillTier@aol.com
> To: dakota@ait.fredonia.edu
> Subject: Re: Dakota Trivia
> Date: Tuesday, August 12, 1997 5:41 PM
> In a message dated 97-08-12 02:43:49 EDT, you write:
> << Just thought of a weekly idea...
> How about 'Dakota Trivia'???
> The rules, simple:
> Anything that deals with 'Dakota'. Now, that can be the
> state, or the truck, or ANYTHING.
> Here's a sample:
> Name three machines named 'DAKOTA'
> *DIFFERENT machines!*
> -------------------------
> Other trivia:
> What was the first 'Suburban'???
> -------------------------
> Sam '95 SLT >>
> Coool Idea, Sounds like fun to me.
> Name three machines named 'DAKOTA'
> *DIFFERENT machines!*
> This one is to easy
> 1. My Dakota
> 2. Your Dakota
> 3. Dakota R/T
Not that easy, your not even close.
> What was the first 'Suburban'???
> A Cowboy
Again, not even close.
> I'm ready for next week..
> Bill
Sam '95 SLT
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