On Fri, 15 Aug 1997 02:00:43 -0400 (EDT), DjEmcee@aol.com wrote:
>I thought the 98's were to have a 3rd or maybe even 4th door? Also heard
>that it's would have a option for a 5.9 liter? Can u verify!
>Djemcee @aol.com
>97 Dak
The Full size RAM will have ( optional I guess ) 2 'suicide' doors.
I read that the Dakota would have the 3rd door option but then someone
sent me a message saying that that was incorrect. His sig said that he
was with some automotive group so he may know what he was talking about.
Jack - jack@cybermail.net
home (817) 488-4386 / work (972) 516-6270 / fax (817) 481-7182
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