dakota headers

From: Frank Ball (frankb@cougar.sr.hp.com)
Date: Mon Aug 18 1997 - 14:40:21 EDT

} From: XGLT71A@prodigy.com ( JERRY S DALTON)
} As I've said before, DH is a show header. The Tri-Y design was the
} great thing about 20 years ago, since then the header manufactures
} have found that equal length headers are the best. When is the last
} time you have seen a race car with tri-y headers? I've seen them on a
} few old show cars. And besides if it wasn't a show header you could
} get them unchromed. And the last thing a Magnum motor needs is more
} torque, with the intake runners they have torque is a given. Where
} they need help is on the top end past 4500 rpm where they are dead.
} I'll still lay money that if someone runs a set of true duals or a
} cat back with the stock manifolds it will run better then a set of DH.

I don't follow car racing, but I've seen plenty of new 4 cylinder
motorcycles with tri-Y style headers making 200HP/liter at 12-14,000 rpm.

Frank Ball 1UR-M frankb@sr.hp.com (707) 794-4168 work
Hewlett Packard (707) 794-3038 fax (707) 538-3693 home
1212 Valley House Drive Kawi KDX200, Yamaha XT350 YZF600R Seca 750
Rohnert Park CA 94928-4999 '95 Dakota SLT Club Cab V8 5-Speed 2WD


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