thought youse guys would find thia as amusing as i did.
culled from another list i'm on.
An amusing story related by a coworker - Two of his buddies were
having the drunken "who's truck is stronger" argument. The owner
of a new 4wd Ford pickup claimed he could pull his friend's Chevy
backward down the street. They squared off rear bumper to rear
bumper in the street. Chev owner wraps a heavy chain around his
hitch (smart). Ford owner wraps the other end around rear axle
housing (dumb). To make matters worse, after they take up the
slack, Chev owner plants his feet firmly on the brake and tells his
friend to go ahead and pull. Now it's not a question of which is
the powertrain with more torque, but whether or not the Ford can
drag the Chevy down the street with 4 wheels locked against
rotation. Turns out it can't. Also turns out the frame attachment
points for the rear axle can't handle the load and he rips the rear
out of the truck (not covered by warranty). Want to buy a low
mileage used Ford pickup?
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