Happy holidays

From: Sperduto, Nick (SperdutoN@mail.dnb.com)
Date: Wed Dec 24 1997 - 12:22:00 EST

Happy Holidays Everyone
Twas the night before Xmas
and all thru the shop
everyone was sleepin'
even ol' Pop

The tools and the grinders
tucked neatly away
not a wrench or a screw diver
appeared to be astray

Then out on the drive
there arose such a rumble
with wide open headers
and a cam with a wild stumble

He fell out the door
and rolled across the grass
He rose to his feet
and brushed off his ass

He reached in the window
to shut off the fuel
went to the trunk
and dragged out a huge tool

He pushed and he shoved
till he got it in the shop
With this you can weld aluminum to steel
said the card, addressed to Ol' Pop

He filled all the stockings
with a wrench and a tool
Pieces for Hot Rods
and other things Way Cool!

He finished his duties
and sat down for rest
A cookie or two
And 5 Gallons of the best

110 Octane,
these guys know what to leave
I'll fill up the tank
It'll last the rest of the eve

With a full tank of juice
She roared to life
waking all the neighbors
and me and my wife

We dashed to the door
As he flashed outta sight
Smokin' the tires and all candles lit
And over the roar we could barely hear......

Merry Xmas to all and a Happy New Year

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