> Don't think anyone is suggesting that one or the other should be made
> "less safe". The ability to absorb impact in a crash makes a vehicle
> "more safe", which is what all this "hydroforming" stuff is about. So
> where to do you think you're going to have better odds in a crash of
> coming out unhurt, strapped in a steel box, or strapped in a steel box
> with some shock absorbing foam up front? In the first case your body is
> going to absorb all of the impact of the crash, in the second, it only
> has to absorb the residual energy that the foam did not.
> Craig
Okay, to me that argument doesn't hold water, if you notice something all
truck drivers are strapped in a steel box with no airbag and no crumple
zones, yet they always walk away from an accident, I've only heard of one
truck driver being killed in my entire life, and he was killed when he
swerved to miss a kid and drove off a bridge andlanded on the interstate
below, every othe wreck I've heard of the trucker walked away with only a
scratch, so personally I'll take the steel box anyday....
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