Search is back!

From: Jon Steiger (
Date: Tue Mar 17 1998 - 18:48:57 EST

  We once again have search capability for the DML archives!

  The machine that the archives are on can't handle the
processor and memory load that it takes to create the
search indexes (it crashes). I'm generating them on a
more powerful server now though, so they're back.
   Unfortunately, not even the more powerful server can index
all of the archives in one lump, so I had to divide them up. So,
you can search the archives for '95, '96, '97, or '98. If
you want to search across all of those years, you'll have
to perform seperate searches. (Also, '97 was too big by
itself so I had to split it into Jan-Jun and Jul-Dec). I'll
have to do the same for '98 once it gets too big also.

  (There is a search form on the archives page at:

  You can also do a search on the entire DML Home Page. (Click on
the "search" link up near the top of the main page.)
  The profiles aren't searchable yet; I'll try and get that
to work as soon as I can.


  .--- -- ---.
  | DoD# 1038, EAA# 518210, NMA# 117376, USUA# A46209, KotWitDoDFAQ, RP-SEL |
  | '96 Dodge Dakota v8 SLT Club Cab, '96 Kolb FireFly 447 (#FF019) |
   I do not speak for the SUNY College at Fredonia; all opinions are my own.

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