it's hard to find plain looking 17's, especially in a 9'' width to fit a Dak. You
could look into American Racing. They have some plain old rims, but they
have limited widths and fitments...what a drag. When you wanna' go
with something different, it's hard to find for a Dak. It's like you have to go
with something you don't want cuz' that's what's just
can't win sometimes...
-mike sykes
>>> Jack Snodgrass <> 03/20/98 10:11am >>>
I really would like some 17x9 inch rims, but I don't want to spend an
arm and a leg. Can you get plain old, ( maybe powder coated ) black,
steel, NASCAR - like, 17x9 rims? I don't really like chrome... brushed
aluminum would be 'ok' but plain old, black would be perfectly
None of the magazines have anything like this... they are geared to the
$250 type chrome wheels.
thanks again.
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