Dealer Hoax, Was:22 gallon tank?

From: Joe Borg (
Date: Mon Mar 23 1998 - 09:22:49 EST

     My dealer tried the same thing except he was giving out flashlights.
     They only turn in the "good" surveys. this way Chrysler never sees the
     complaints. The survey specifies "do not give to dealer, mail to
     Chrysler only"!
     About your mileage. This has been discussed and the computer deemed a
     "nice toy". I drive to 300 miles (about 50 miles after my "get gas"
     light comes on). The guage is well below empty. The most its taken is
     20.5 gallons which means I can probably go another 20 miles or so.
     PS-14.5 mpg average
     Joe Borg

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: DML: How big it the 22 gallon tank?
Author: <> at internet
Date: 3/22/98 9:24 AM

My dealer has a deal that if you give him the dealer survey to
turn in he will fill your tank. Well I wanted to arive with an
empty tank. I drove until I was below 1/8 tank and my computer
said I had 18 miles to empty. I was only able to put 18.5 gallons
in it.
I want the hear from the list how much anyone has squeezed onto
the 22 gallon tank on a 97/98 Dakota.
Drive Safe,
Joe Dille
Telford PA USA

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