Re: Got the Durango!

From: Keredt (Keredt@AOL.COM)
Date: Fri Apr 03 1998 - 22:24:37 EST

In a message dated 98-04-03 01:22:40 EST, you write:

 Anyway, first question. Durango is around 80% Dakota so maybe someone
 can help with this. It has the security option, and the keyless entry
 thing. When you lock it with the remote the horn doesn't chirp. The
 manual says it can be programmed to do this so you can tell easily if it
 locked. It doesn't say how, just says that the dealer can program it to
 do this. Does anyone know what is involved in doing this? Is a special
 tool or interface needed to reprogram or is it some kind of proceedure
 you must follow? ie. key on off on off on... that type thing. >>
I believe I read somewhere that horn chirp was disabled....or something like
that, mine doesn't do it either 97 SLT+ DAK


97 CC 2wd
SLT+ 5.2L auto
3.55 LSD DDBC T/H pkg.
275/60R15 BFG Rad/TA
16.2 @ 83.03 ( 11K miles ago )

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