Re: 2 wrecks -Reply

From: Michael Z-Sykes (
Date: Tue Apr 07 1998 - 18:48:07 EDT

They gotta' find some way to pay for all the times you'll bring it back till
they fix it right! At least that's how it is where I live. Took em' 4 months to
fix my dak when it got hit, and all they had to do was fix the Passenger
tailight, replace the nifty black strip thingy, and paint it. I returned it 8
times, and it wasn't untill my insurance threatened to sue that they got off
their ass and fixed it. I hate body shops around where I live. I think
they've been sniffing too many paint fumes-
-mike sykes

Don't you just hate how much they charge to fix small damages like that,
my brother hit a deer in his truck, broke the grill, scratched the bumper,
and barely dented his hood, $2200 to fix it, outrageous if you ask me....


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