> > It seems to me like it was a little unfair to include the Dakota in this
> > test. The other pickups tested were smaller and (presumably) lighter.
> Funny how we Dakota owners never seem to complain when our trucks are lumped
> in (by Chrysler) with the compacts to compare engine, load and tow capacity,
> and power statistics. Those "hightest <rating> in class" commercials always
> crack me up. Yeah, compared to the Mitsubishi Mighty Max (the old D-50). ;)
> The ratings game is always a two-edged sword.
> The only truck that is anywhere close to the mid-size Dakota is Toyota's
> T-100, and they always want to lump that in with the full-sizes. Makes no
> sense to me, especially when it carries the same engine options as their
> compact Tacoma. (Have they released a truck version of their V8 yet?)
I thought I heard somewhere they were introducing a V8 in the T-100 in
'99, of course I could be wrong (Wouldn't be the first time)...
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