Re: What Kind of Oil

From: Rader (
Date: Thu Apr 16 1998 - 14:09:29 EDT

Gary Ludwick wrote:

> Sit outside any big name gasoline distributor's tank farm (Exxon, Shell
> Amoco etc) and watch all the independent, no-name tankers that get their
> product there. That 20 cents a gallon extra you pay for name brand gas
> goes almost entirely to advertising and marketing costs....not the product.

  What's even funnier are all the name-brand stations that purchase black
market gas from the no-name tankers. There's a couple of local name-brand
stations that I refuse to purchase fuel at anymore, after getting a bum
tank (pinging up the wazoo) and subsequently seeing them fill their tanks
from a grungy old no-name truck...

  Thanks for the info,


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