RE: Detonation

From: Rhyner, Mark (
Date: Sun Apr 19 1998 - 00:32:12 EDT

Gary is right --- hey are loupes.

I have a 10x and a 20x but I use them to "read" my racing pigeons eyes.

Don't ask. <grin>

Mark Rhyner
93, Magnum 5.2, auto, LE, pigeon hauler

PS: no joy in the race today (200 miler from Wittman Arizona) I sent my
'B' team and couldn't quite get the competition.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gary Ludwick []
> Sent: Saturday, April 18, 1998 1:04 PM
> To: Dakota Newsgroup
> Subject: DML: Detonation
> Just to be nitpicky, it's not a "loom" it's a "loupe" pronounced
> "loop".
> >>You can read the plugs with a "loom" (10X microscope with a light)
> and
> look
> for small black or shiny specks like the plug has measles on the
> porcelain.

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