I say he is definitly givin you a line of BS. The truck shouldn't do that.
Buelterman, Chris wrote:
>I have a '98 Dakota CC, 4x4, 5.2 V8, automatic that hesitates after it sits
>overnight. I took it to the dealer and they told me that what I was talking
>about was a characteristic of the '98 V8 Dak. (That's the same dealer that
>told me that it was normal to take two or three long tries to get the engine
>to turn over and three days later my starter died.) Anyway, what happens is
>that when my truck sits overnight and then I take off in the morning, the
>engine hesitates in first gear during the first and sometimes second
>acceleration from a stop. When this happens I am holding the accelerator
>steady, but when I look at the tach it shows the engine speed is holding at
>1300 RMP for a second, then jumping to 1500 RMP and holding there for a
>second, and so on until the trany shifts into second. It sometimes does it
>in second gear too, but not as bad. I guess my question is has anyone else
>noticed this "characteristic" with their V8 or is the dealer just feeding me
>another story?
>Chris Buelterman
>'98 Dakota CC 4x4 V8
^Bobby Wilken*^*^*^
*Fairbanks, Alaska*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*
^'97 SLT+, 318ci, CC, 4x4, Flame Red, K&N, Gibson Duals,^
*Quite a sweet stereo w/ 6 disc and bass,^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*
^and every single option there is...^*^*^*
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