"NNOOOOWWWWWWWW here's a little story I'd like to tell anout three
bad brothers ya know so well......."
-paul revere
>>> bob <lthpbsw@northstar.k12.ak.us> 4/25/98, 05:03am >>>
That sounds like a ton of power when you put it that way. Yea,
have 1/20th of a MEGAWATT in my truck...or something. I like Beastie
too. Can't beat the B-boys. Adios...
jim miller wrote:
>Well I am from Texas, but I prefer 50s - 70s rock myself. Yes
Robert I
>know I am old enough to
>be your father but in recent days the noise I hear doesn't spund
much like
>music. I like a
>melody, good rythem like maybe something one could dance to and
workd that
>make sense and don't
>talk profane or about sexual acts. I like some country but the kind
>sounds like rock not
>the crying in your beer type, and most of all I like to hear what I
>playing on my radio not
>someone elses. I have over 1/2 a killowat of power in my car stereo
>when my wildows are
>closed only I hear the sound. In other words I dont contribute to
>polution and at the age
>of 51 I can still hear as good as anybody else my age. Now I dont
>this an attack, JMHO!
>Jim Miller
>Waco, Tx
>Dakless (still waiting)
^Bobby Wilken*^*^*^
*Fairbanks, Alaska*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*
^'97 SLT+, 318ci, CC, 4x4, Flame Red, K&N, Gibson Duals,^
*Quite a sweet stereo w/ 6 disc and bass,^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*
^and every single option there is...^*^*^*
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