Re: towing question

From: Mopar (
Date: Tue Apr 28 1998 - 06:36:38 EDT

I personally would not worry about it, we towed a 6000# boat/trailer for 4
years, 40 mi each way 4 times a year or so. this is with my '88 that
probably has the same bumper as yours. I know mine is rated at the same

Chris Lambert

At 01:04 PM 4/23/98 -0700, you wrote:
>Picked up an '89 Ski Centurion yesterday (inboard ski boat for
>those of you land locked).On da step bumper w/the ball mounted it
>shows a 2K load capacity.The boat weighs about 2500 & I'll be
>towing all of a half a mile twice a year to put it/take out of
>the water only.Anybody think that 500#'s over capacity for that
>short of a distance be a problem ??? thanx
>'89 shelby dakota #288

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