Re: country music in Dakotas

From: Gary E. Klim (
Date: Tue Apr 28 1998 - 18:55:06 EDT

Alright, let's lighten up a wee bit, shall we? Or I'll post uncompressed
binaries of Madonna giving birth in a .....uh,,.... in a Dakota!
Yeah, that's it! Or perhaps Michael Jackson sharing a tender moment with
his giraffe... (Yech!!!)

Gary E. Klim - Somewhere in central Connecticut

-----Original Message-----
From: Lance Martz <>
To: '' <>
Date: Tuesday, April 28, 1998 1:23 PM
Subject: RE: DML: country music in Dakotas

>Enough of the silly music thread, it has nothing to do with
>C'mon... checking the DML isn't worth checking if this is all that gets

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