I always use a 50/50 mix. This gives good protection from freezing
for most places. For sure in Houston! The mix ratio does a
number of things, more is not always better. Pure ethylene glycol
(EG) has a higher boiling point and lower freezing point than
straight water. However, straight EG dosen't transfer heat as well
as water. A 50/50 mix is what the manufacturer reccomends. (I
did not check the book, but I am fairly sure.) This is a good
compromise. The freezing/boiling point does not change very much
around the 50/50 ratio.
It is important to change the coolant. The coolant is in contact
whi plastics, rubbers, cast iron, brass and aluminum. It must not
harm or cause corrosion between any of these materials. The
antifreez has buffering agents and corrosion inhibitors that help
keep all the players happy. They do get used up over time.
Changing the coolant resets the clock.
I always mix the left over antifreze 50/50 and put it in a marked
container. This way I always have some to top up.
Drive Safe,
>Joe Dille wrote:
>> Mike,
>> Here is my $0.02 I use the distilled water because it has no minerals
>> Drive Safe,
>> Joe
>Thanks, I'll try the distilled water. What ratio of anti freeze to
>water should I use. the shop filled it with one gallon of a.f. and one
>gallon of water.
>- --
>- ---- Mike, near Houston.
> My sig file=====> http://web.wt.net/~mclark/signature.txt
> My Dakota page==> http://web.wt.net/~mclark/dakota.html
> Dakota Webring==> http://web.wt.net/~mclark/webring/ring.html
Joe Dille
Telford PA USA
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