Re: Hood release

From: Richard A Pyburn (
Date: Fri May 01 1998 - 13:54:10 EDT

On Thu, 30 Apr 1998 21:38:03 -0600 T & J <> writes:
>From:Tim Roller >
>>The plastic release housing melted and prevented the cable from
>operating,but there is a way to solve this problem,but it may not look
>good as the factory cable pull. Just go to the auto store and pickup
>truck model manual choke pull cable kit and install it in place of the
>factory cable. It's a steel cable wrapped in a steel spring sleeving
>has some bending capabilities. If you want to you may even probably
>can make
>a loop at the end that goes in the interior side and attach it onto
>the hood
>handle, unless the handle has the molded type cable cover that's all
>unit--I haven't checked mine so I'm unsure. Some places now have a
>yourself repair aisle that have replacemant hood handles and
>might try that option also.
Thanks, Tim. I'll look into these options. I definitely want to be able
to get the hood open when I need to.

Richard in SA

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