> I have a 360deg radar/lazer etc. w/ the warning signals for traffic hazzards.
> I've a radar detector since my first ticket. Go to my page (link in .sig file)
> and follow the link about tickets, that's where my little saga is written for
> the world to read.
> Later,
> Robert (still on adrealine rush, just went to roof of 5 story building under
> construction. Cool!!!)
Hey Robert just checked out your ticket page and your Rules page. On the
ticket page must say pretty entertaining stories (Of course I guess they
weren't when you got pulled over..), and as far as the Rules page goes, I
must agree with you on every one of them, I've always had the same pet
peeves, but you forgot one If you are in the fast lane going ten miles
below the speed limit don't take it personally when someone flashes you,
or tailgates you, and definitely don't speed up and high beam the person
once they pass you and follow them for ten miles.....
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