Re: Fiasco

From: Bruce Aaron Hefner (
Date: Fri May 15 1998 - 15:40:28 EDT

> Oh man, and I've been bitchin' about payin' $800/yr (well maybe
> $100C/month works out to about that?) at my age. That's what really
> pisses me off. If I was in my 20's I could understand it. Wouldn't
> like it, but I'd understand.
> Luckily, here in AZ, we have a Traffic Education course option. You can
> go to the class and on completion you don't get any points on your
> record and the insurance company doesn't find out about it. Good for
> once a year so if you space them out...
> Mark R
> 93 5.2Magnum, CC, LE, slushbox, pigeon hauler

It's about .691 Canadian dollars per US dollar so at that his insurance
would be around $830 US per year, so it sounds like you both are paying
about the same for insurance, of course since his truck is newer he's
getting a better deal, but your still getting a pretty good deal, at least
from my perspective paying a 20 year-old's rates....


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