Jules and his "champagne"

From: svieth@ameritech.net
Date: Fri May 15 1998 - 12:15:45 EDT

After I finished my reply to your "champagne" post, the
part about ignoring the "beer crowd" kept buzzing in my head.

If you truly belive that you can ignore the people on a "beer
budget", I suggest that the next time you are in Bowling Green, you
visit the National Corvette Museum (http://CorvetteMuseum.com/).

Go to the memorial to Zora Arkus-Duntov and have someone read
to you his "Thoughts Pertaining to Youth, Hot Rodders and Chevrolet"

It will open your eyes regarding the "beer crowd" vs. the
"champagne crowd."

For those of you who have not read the memo or don't know who
the hell Z. A-D is, I *suggest* you do a little reading. Without
Zora and his memo, the only high performance automobiles
today would come from the factory wearing a Blue Oval.

And so ends today's sermon. :^)


"No, Homer, very few cartoons are broadcast live. It's a
terrible strain on the illustrator's wrist."

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