At 04:03 PM 5/15/98 +0000, you wrote:
>> From reading Jules catalog
>> and posts,I think he is probably has
>> more technical expertise than any of us. If you don't like his prices or
>> can't afford them, look elsewhere.
>> Tony
>I must respectively disagree with that statement. You are not fully
>aware of the combined technical expertise of the people who
>read this list.
>I *know* there are people on the list who are more knowedgable
> than Jules. These same people are also much more helpful
>than Jules.
>Sometime when you are bored, ask me to tell you the story
>of how Kukooter emailed his work phone number,
>home phone number AND pager number to a buddy of
>mine (Dak owner) who has having problems gets
>the Dak's rear-end correctly repaired. Kuk even
>sent us the part number for the shim kit that the dealership
>should have used. "If those guys at the dealership don't
>know how to fix your Dak, I'll tell them how to do it."
>Repairing a rearend is simple auto mechanics. I'm talking about
the nearly black art of porting and polishing. There are very few shops
that are capable of doing a first class job.
>"No, Homer, very few cartoons are broadcast live. It's a
>terrible strain on the illustrator's wrist."
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