Man, I know a good lawyer =) Actaully, I would tell him to just watch his
ass and explain how much it sucks to lose his license. I almost lost mine
for 72 in a 40, but managed to get out of it with speeding and a slap on
the wrist.... I was sweatin' it for a while.... I hate to say it, but
experience is the best teacher- ( we both know that... he he =)
-mike sykes
88, V6, LE, 3.55, SlushBox >or<
"I kick my rhymes like Pele"
On Fri, 29 May 1998 07:17:00 -0600 "Braxton, John" <>
>My youngest brother (17) asked me last night, how fast had I got the
>Shelby before? I (29) said, he didn't need to know. It was 105 mph.
>said, why do you ask? Then it came out, 115 mph. I wanted to say
>you better slow down!","you could loose your licence or worst, your
>on the public highways. The problem is my driving record is not
>I was clocked at 108 in a 55 and willingly eluding police. and also
>my licence twice. The heavy foot must run in the family. I explained
>him what I went though and recommended to take it to the dragstrip to
>turn it legally and that way nobody will get hurt.
>Any advise on the matter for a caring bother would be great.
>p.s. parents don't know.
>John Braxton
>Shelby Dakota #1116
>Cam Braxton
>Shelby Dakota #1036
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