Re: Engine Noise

Date: Tue Jun 02 1998 - 15:24:14 EDT

> I noticed a problem a couple of weeks ago when I first used the air conditioner this year.
> Before I turned the air on the engine sounded great. After turning
> the air on, It started making a loud "ro>
> Any ideas what is going on? I can't think of a better explaination of what the engine is
> doing other than "roar." The truck is a 96 4x4 SLT 5.2l CC. Any
>ideas will be greately appreciated.

It is the viscous fluid fan clutch causing that noise. For some
reason, you will have occasional colds days that cause the fan
clutch to engage. The result is a truck that sounds like a jet
taxi-ing for take-off for the first few blocks. Quite a few
of the '97 owners have noticed this.

I have noticed that my truck doesn't do it as much now that
it is over a year old. Maybe the fan clutch needs time
to break in?


"No, Homer, very few cartoons are broadcast live. It's a
terrible strain on the illustrator's wrist."

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