Re: Downshifts while coasting...

From: Mike P Sykes (
Date: Mon Jun 15 1998 - 21:35:32 EDT

My 88 does this sometimes also. I think the computer "learns" your
driving style and downshifts when you give it some gas to save you the
trouble of reaching over and pressing the button, then it "relearns" that
you don't wanna' do that every time and stops doing it.... just my 0.02

-mike sykes

88, V6, LE, 3.55, SlushBox >or<

" They might call us crazy, but they'll do it from
behind, while staring at a tailgate." -Jon Steiger

On Mon, 15 Jun 1998 08:46:06 -0700 Bruce Bridges <>
>My 98 R/T has done a strange, similar thing. Driving in traffic (and
>5/805 merge in S.D. has a lot of it) I turned the overdrive off. When
>turned it back on after the traffic "cleared" (it never really clears)
>transmission downshifted every time I gave it a little throttle (just
>little). This got really annoying and I was about to "see my dealer".
> I
>parked it at home. Next time I got in it it was fine and hasnt done
>since. Ive locked out the overdrive on many occasions since and it
>repeated its premature downshifts. Hmmmm Anyone else with this
>problem in
>a 98??
>Bruce K Bridges
>At 11:02 PM 6/14/98 -0700, you wrote:
>>Has anyone had this problem....
>>'98 V8 4x4 4 speed auto...While in cruise control at 70 mph I push
>to slow a little bit. What does the truck do...? It downshifts. I take
>out of cruise control and whenever I let off a bit, it downshifts!
>happened that once, I can't seem to duplicate it now. The air filter
>was a
>little dirty, since I was 4-wheelin in the desert that day. The only
>thing I
>can think of is that the pressure drop thru the filter was such that
>vacuum modulator interpreted the low pressure as a throttle increase
>downshifted accordingly. I changed to a K&N the next day and it hasn't
>happened since. Was kinda wonderin' if anybody has had a similar
>>Brian Schultz
>>Carlsbad, CA
>><META content=text/html;charset=iso-8859-1 http-equiv=Content-Type>
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>><BODY bgColor=#ffffff>
>><DIV><FONT color=#000000 size=2>Has anyone had this
>><DIV><FONT color=#000000 size=2>'98 V8 4x4 4 speed auto...While in
>>control at 70 mph I push "coast" to slow a little bit. What
>does the
>>truck do...? It downshifts. I take it out of cruise control and
>whenever I let
>>off a bit, it downshifts! Just happened that once, I can't seem to
>duplicate it
>>now. The air filter was a little dirty, since I was 4-wheelin in the
>>day. The only thing I can think of is that the pressure drop thru the
>filter was
>>such that the vacuum modulator interpreted the low pressure as a
>>increase and downshifted accordingly. I changed to a K&amp;N the next
>and it
>>hasn't happened since. Was kinda wonderin' if anybody has had a
>><DIV><FONT color=#000000 size=2></FONT> </DIV>
>><DIV><FONT color=#000000 size=2>Brian Schultz</FONT></DIV>
>><DIV><FONT color=#000000 size=2>Carlsbad,

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