Fw: Find out alot about your Dodge

From: Bob DeChance (kbshadow@email.msn.com)
Date: Wed Jul 01 1998 - 00:13:23 EDT

I saw another posting that should be of intrest to DML members and an
forwarding it to the list.

Bob DeChance
Stockton Ca
-----Original Message-----
From: St Stephen, Kim & Lacy Ames <stephen@stephenames.com>
Newsgroups: alt.autos.dodge.trucks
Date: Tuesday, June 30, 1998 8:12 PM
Subject: Find out alot about your Dodge

>Go to your closest Chrysler dealer...You can get them to work best by
>there, don't call...Registration in hand will make it easier...Tell them
>what I
>have told you, it's not confidential...Especially if you are buying a
>Chrysler product, have someone look it up in the computer...Chrysler
>thru there computer system(i.e. any Chrysler dealership) in their DIAL
>will know what I mean) #14(on the menu) - "Vehicle Information
>Plus"...It's what all good service writers use to make sure a warraty or
>service contract is in effect before doing any work...This allows
>them/you/me to find out anything about a vehicle...i.e. selling
>dealership, any
>Chrysler warranty or non-warranty repairs made, open warranties and
>contracts, original owner, In Service Date, which determines the start
>of the
>warranty, recall information and what we are talking about here,
>kind Chrysler Business Manager, like myself, can help you...All they
>need for
>this is your VIN, mileage and your last name...That's it...Takes
> Till the next time,
> St. Stephen Ames
>For main home page and links to all: http://www.stephenames.com
>For Grateful Dead tapelist: http://www.stephenames.com/tapelists.html
>For Non-Dead tapelist: http://www.stephenames.com/nondead.html
>For our personal Photo Gallery: http://www.stephenames.com/pics.html
>If you want a Dodge car or truck: http://www.stephenames.com/dodge.html
>For changes to 1999 Dodge models: http://www.stephenames.com/new99.html
> "The futures here, we are it..."

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