Re: K & N FIPK and exhaust

From: Mike P Sykes (
Date: Thu Jul 09 1998 - 22:10:11 EDT

>>>Thanks for sending this out to the list. If you are going to respond
 something like this, dont send it to the list. Send it to the person
you are
 replying too. I get enough mail and dont need stuff like this. I think
 of people on this list feel the same way. <<<<

can't we find something better to post than something like this? I'm not
trying to start any flames, but the delete button is a useful tool. How
long could it possibly take to read the word "cool" and hit delete?
There's always stuff on here that doesn't pertain to my Dak, but I don't
care. I just like to read what people have to say, that's why I like the
list so much. It doesn't bother me, feel free to voice your opinion about
K&N's R&R department, or Viper wheels, or Milan, or anything... I don't
mind =)

-mike d.

88, V6, LE, 3.55, SlushBox, mild mods >or<

"Bow-wow-wow yippee yo yippee yay, Mike Sykes is definitely in the-

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