RE: Finally raced an R/T

From: Mok, Alan (
Date: Fri Jul 10 1998 - 11:19:01 EDT

FWIW, I am not that thrilled with the performance of my R/T CC. It =
awesome for a truck but horsepower/acceleration seems lacking. It =
out performs any "stock" truck out there but I wouldn't go up against
anything that's been "built"=20

ET is 16.1 @ 91 mph according to my G-tech. Maybe it's because I'm used =
5.0 Mustangs (is that word forbidden on this list) with 5-speeds but =
nothing to brag about.=20

My major complaint is the auto trans which is a slush box in my =
It's does not match gear selection with road speed very well. Even my =
Honda auto trans would down shift when slowing. I often find the engine
laboring to get back up to speed ( at ~1500rpm) after slowing. I would =
to really punch the gas for it to down shift and that would take a =

Would a shift kit cure this? who makes and where do I get one? I don't =
to chirp the tires at every shift though. Any ideas?

Alan Mok =AE
Systems Engineer

'88 x-CHP Mustang LX
'89 Mustang GT (347, Griggs, S-trim and the list goes on...)
'98 Dakota R/T CC (I'll pretend it's a 5.0 Ranger)

                -----Original Message-----
                From: Bruce Bridges []
                Sent: Friday, July 10, 1998 7:36 AM
                Subject: Re: DML: Finally raced an R/T

                Hopefully that R/T owner will digest the humble pie and
                "snubbing" a fellow Dak/Mopar owner. More than likely hes
out for some more
                dessert though... =20

                At 01:32 AM 7/10/98 EDT, you wrote:
>behold,,, an R/T, Amethyst ( thats the purple right?). =20
> I wanted to run him of course, but I also wanted to
talk to him. The guy
>was a wee bit cocky!!! He would only look at me out of the
corner of his eye,
>and as I was cruising beside him in third he had it in 2
and kept punching it
>on-and-off-on-and-off. All the while laughing with a buddy
and side glancing
>me!! Soooo, I stepped into it a little in third just to
raise the R's up and
>let him maybe reconsider while he still had a chance!!
But, to my enjoyment
>that just made him more sure of himself. He slowed it down
and kept it in
>first so I dumped into second and we rolled along until he
jumped into it and
>I got a slow start but immediately pulled up on him and
held and crept past a
>three quarter truck lead on him. =20
> After all that I wanted to see if he had anything done to
it. You know,
>maybe show him a few tricks he may not have known. And all
that really just
>of the common thread calle Dak! BUT NOOOOOO, He still had
the attitude!! Oh,

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