Re: 160 stat versus 180

Date: Wed Jul 22 1998 - 11:16:27 EDT

In a message dated 98-07-20 20:02:28 EDT, you write:

<< I decided to go with the 160 stat because, me being a man, l
 figured "180=good...160 = very good". I have had no adverse side affects of
 the 160 except when l am forced to sit at the drive thru for more than 10
 the truck will run a little hotter than with the 195, but still never goes
 past the half way point. I have no idea if the 160 is better, but l am happy
 with it. >>

Thats kinda the smae experience I have had with it. Idling for a extended
period seems to run a little hotter ? as to why but I am also happy with it


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