Re: RE: Meeting

Date: Sat Jul 25 1998 - 04:37:59 EDT

In a message dated 98-07-25 00:19:14 EDT, you write:

 I will have to wait until it gets a little closer, unless someone can
 think of a way to drive a v-8 to La from Ct, without going broke. How
 about it Gary, are you gonna make the trip from Hamden.
Ill tell ya what, even though we all are making contact throught the internet,
maybe our meetings should be with east coast and west coast DML Divisions. Ya
know what I mean. It just wouldnt be fair for us to have to travel all over
the country for meetings once a year. So it might just be easier to have 2
divisions of our group. Im certainly not saying split the group by any means,
just when it comes down to a DML gathering,those on the east coast and those
on the west coast plan their own. If someone from the opposite coast happens
to be in the area at the time, then that would be a special opportunity to
bridge the gap!! Make sense?

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