Since you already tried the cleaner, I think he next step would be to
try Meguiar's clay bar kit I think it's called "smooth and clean"...
I've tried it and had decent success on some stubborn stains. If that
fails you may want to try a real light application of GS27 scratch
remover... This stuff has worked great for me.
<<I now have what looks like etched water spots in the hood of the
truck. You can only see them in off angle lighting, but they are big
and there! I tried to get rid of them with meguires clear coat
cleaner, but it only "faded" them. After waxing it (with mequires
gold) the spots are still very visible under the wax. Any one have
any secrets for getting rid of this problem? The clear coat is still
there, its just "etched" a little.
Bruce Bridges>>
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