Re: JBA Headers

From: W . Jack Hilton III (
Date: Sat Aug 22 1998 - 00:24:44 EDT

Bruce Bridges and I are the ones that got the ball rolling on this one .

I talked to Jeff at JBA (our contact) and he said that the best time for
JBA for us to do another group buy (at the same price) would be no earlier
than January .

He said that this is JBA's "slow" season , and that they could much more
easily accomidate us .

He also expressed his gratitude to the DML and all the members that ordered
in the last group buy .

He said that the Durango list got wind of the deal we had gotten and are in
the nidst of a group buy with JBA now . They have at least "stated" that
they have about 300 people interested (I doubt ity's really that many that
are going to get them at once) .

I told Jeff that even after a few initial concerns that for the most part ,
the DML'ers were very satisfied with the headers , including myself .

Although I actually got Jeff to go for the price we got on the JBAs , it
was hardly just because of me .

I only knew about the JBAs because of Bruce Bridges' post about them , and
I wouldn't even have sen that if it were not for the DML .

Even though Jon kinda shys away from any credit for anything that
transpires within the DMl (and understandibly so) I would just like to make
it known that I am greatful that Jon has provided the world-wide community
with this forum , for without it , we would be potentially lost within
ourselves .



At 04:12 PM 8/21/98 -0700, you wrote:
>318's in this group buy. So I would like to throw my hat in the ring for
>the next group buy on these. Is whoever did the work of arranging this
>last time willing to do it again?
> Jon H
W . Jack Hilton III

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