Hey guys, just a quickie so i don't take up too much list traffic.
Seeing the recent spam on the list I thought some might be interested
in this. If you get spam, report it to the email provider of the
jerk. I got more junk the other night so I figured what the heck and
wrote to the "abuse" account. 24 hours later I got this response...
> We have closed the account that you reported.
> Hotmail does not condone or support the sending of junk email (aka "spam")
> through our system. The Hotmail Terms of Services (TOS)
> strictly forbids sending unsolicited email and we terminate all reported
> accounts that are in violation of the TOS.
> We appreciate your mail alerting us to the spammer using our system. Our
> ANTI-SPAM policy can be found at
> http://www.hotmail.com/nospam.html
I was surprised at how quick they acted. If you ever get any junk
mail this seems to be the best thing to do. So chalk one up for the good guys!
---Mike, near Houston.---
My sig file=====> http://web.wt.net/~mclark/signature.txt
My Dakota page==> http://web.wt.net/~mclark/dakota.html
Dakota Webring==> http://web.wt.net/~mclark/webring/ring.html
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