>Hey Jack did You get Art's extension number ?
Yep , I posted a while ago , it's 5105 as I recall .
>And what did You get straightened out ?
What happened in reference to the DMLer that had to pay more than the price
we got , was that he was unable to get hold of Art and therefore talked to
another salesman . Well , the guy said he tried a couple of times to talk
to Art , but apparently really wanted the JET and just bought it .
So the moral of the story is , if you want the JET deal , you gotta talk to
Art cuz as he puts it "...the salesmen are really aggressive here..." .
>Is it a 170 or 180 thermostat ?
I never did talk to him about that specifically , but I got mine and I
think it's a 180 . It's a JET part , so I'll call JET later today for
confirmation .
>R. Mock 98 CC Black R/T W/SSViper Strypes.........in Red of Course.
Hey , where can I see a pic of your truck with the stripes ?
I have that "punky" feelin' .
Jack Hilton
Black '98 R/T Club Cab
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