Re: Dakota horns

Date: Wed Sep 02 1998 - 23:16:12 EDT

As you said 17:32.47 9-2-98:

I added a dual horn (high low) kit to my existing horn. It sounded much
better than stock and people really got out of the way. But lately, my horn
has sounded muffled. I took off the horns one at a time to check them for
water, mud, etc. ... nothing. l tried hooking up just the original horn and
still sounds muffled. Any ideas?


On an 81 F100 I used to have the horn sounded muffled, so I installed a set of
air horns, which required running new wires from the horn switch and to a
relay. When I took the factory wire off I realized it was just extremely
dirty inside the connectors, even after several sprays of WD40. When I sold
the truck, I hooked up the stock horn to the wire I had installes and it
sounded fine.

Mike Styer

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