You Missed One ; Can You Get 'Em with SSViper Strypes ?
If so , what colors do they cum in ??
@#$% the Pipe !! ( I'm Rollin' One)
Mike Crumley wrote:
> At 08:31 AM 9/7/98 , you wrote:
> >I heard that a "radial tube asshole" is the newest thing in plastic
> >surgery.hehe... It is "turd burgler-proof" (exit only) and you are guaranteed
> >to never get a hemorroid. Right now the "radial tube asshole" is R&R only.
> >This means you have to have your old asshole taken out and sent in for
> >conversion. Down time is only 2-3 days though.
> >All this only costs $200.00 plus labor. ;0)>
> >Boog (on crack again)
> >
> Let's see if I can take care of everything in one post:
> Can we get that ceramic coated?
> Can you get that teflon coated for better flow? (my personal favorite)
> Does MPI make a Super Street version of that?
> How about a group buy?
> Are they available for the 99s yet?
> Mike (pass the pipe) Crumley
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