Re: putting tubes is tubeless tires

From: Arg12@AOL.COM
Date: Sat Sep 05 1998 - 21:41:47 EDT

Ever hear of radial tubes asshole?

I seem to remember a person named Tony that ended up leaving the list
because of the verbal abuse he gave other members. I write to this list
to provide technical expertise, not to be called an asshole. If you
have a problem with what I write, that is your right. But either e-mail
me personally, or send an e-mail to the list that states your opinion
and why you question what I have said. I am not above making mistakes
or admitting that I might be wrong about something, and if someone
questions what I have said and find out that I am wrong, then I'll
gladly say so. But to be called an asshole is inappropriate conduct
on this list, and putting down another member has not been considered
acceptable. If anyone else agrees with this (or disagrees) please
speak up.
  Now, yes, there are radial tubes. They are designed for tires that
are of radial construction that are designed to have tubes installed.
Tractor trailers have tube-type, radial tires (radial does not mean the
steel belts, it means the ply of the tire is constructed in relation
to the radius of the tire) that have tubes installed. Racing tires can
be tube-type radials, some dirt-track, oval-track, and speedway tires
are designed like this. Then newest version of Nascar tires has a
separate inflatable inner liner inside the tire in case the tire goes
flat and shreds, the driver may be able to keep the car from wrecking
as he drives on that inner liner.
  If anyone can get Goodyear, Firestone, Bridgestone, Michelin, or any
other tire manufacturer or engineer that works for them to give you an
official written statement saying that is is ok to install a tube.
  Finally, i quote for the Firestone Tire Maintenance Warranty and
Manual #k160, page 6, under the heading "Tire Repairs"-
 -Never repair a tire with a puncture or other damage outside the tread
area. Such tires cannot be properly repaired and must be replaced.
 -Never use a tube as a substitute for a proper repair.
I base my statements on manufacturers test and recommendations, and
more than 10 years experience in the field of tires, not because I feel
like being called an "asshole." And if one persons listens to what
I wrote and had their tire replaced, I may have helped that person
avoid unknowned problems in the future, and that is worth my speaking
  Mark, thanks for your remarks substantiating what I wrote.


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